Hey!! I’m Miranda

Before I found my love and traded in my name for his, I was Miranda Rubie. Born and bred in a Southern California desert. You see what I did there ? I’m a boy mom to two toddlers who drive me crazy and also completely fill me with joy. I am for sure one of those people who use an obscene amount of exclamation points ! I 100% wish I could communicate solely in GIF’s.

I am from the Antelope Valley, a place I could never seem to appreciate until I stood behind a lens. It wasn’t until I found photography that I started truly seeing the beauty in my own city. My relationship with my camera has transformed into something I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams. That documenting my children would soon transition into creating literal magic with people who trust my vision.




ben & jerry’s is life

I have a legit addiction to ice cream, and not in a cute way lol! After my first son I literally ate a PINT A DAY for like a year straight haha

i auditioned for X factor

I was dead last out of 10,000 people over the course of two days and I was awake for like 24 hours straight, by the time it was my turn, I got to sing for maybe 4 seconds before I was dismissed haha COOOL

i’m no coffee connoisseur

I drink the same K-cups everyday with about one metric ton of french vanilla creamer which I found out is like 90% vegetable oil. So much yum!

I met my hubby at Target

While I wish I could say it was some random moment we were both shopping for vegetable oil, ahem, creamer, we actually just worked there together ! We had a forbidden love since he was in assets protection and we weren’t allowed to mingle hehehe

marriage & motherhood

During the end of our engagement we found out we were expecting! I was totally a preggo bride and my dresses corset was literally tied with like 1mm of slack yall !! It was a close one. Also crazy to believe that baby James has been there since day 1 of my marital bliss and now I have baby Jace to complete our family!

i was published year 1

Within my first 12 months of picking up a camera, I was published twice! I shot the grand opening for a wine lounge in my hometown which was published in a local magazine. I am most proud of my personal creative project which was published in Shutter Magazine nationally. Next stop, Vogue……one day !

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Why I do it:

how photography saved my sanity

I got my first real job at 19. I applied at Target on a whim and would have never guessed I would be there for 8 years ! I met some of my best friends, had some willlld guests, and started climbing the corporate ladder. I cant say I truly loved my career, but I was comfortable. It was all I knew and I thought that was how life was supposed to go. I had worked my butt off and was priming myself for executive leadership when I got married and found out I was pregnant! I had always thought after I gave birth I would resume my career but life had other plans. I got pregnant AGAINNN at 10 months postpartum so I knew then it was a wrap haha. It just made more sense for me to quit my job and become a stay at home mom. I knew being a SAHM was not going to be easy, but I wasn’t prepared for how hard it truly was. I found myself often missing my old life, my freedom and independence. I often missed doing things that gave me a sense of purpose outside of being a mom. Motherhood is a strange juxtaposition of the ‘you’ you used to be and still are on the inside, and the new you that you have become for these magnificent lives you’ve brought into the world. When I first started photography, I was just another “momtog” with a camera taking pictures of her children. But something clicked in me. A fiery, burning passion for this craft and a natural God-given talent for creating art through a lens. I found a new purpose that was my own and felt a piece of me I thought was lost come back. I love this so much and creating with you is my favorite thing ever.

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what to expect


what am I like?

I am NOT an introvert, I am not a super quiet gal who stiffly poses you and lets awkward silence creep in! This experience is meant to be enjoyed!! I also cannot contain my excitement when we let loose and get creative! There will be laughing, there will be funnn, and also me likely tripping over some stationary object at some point.

It’s not too good to be true—>


the good stuff…

I do a custom mix of traditional posing and prompting to get you comfortable and also make for killer images. I will gently guide you ( and hype you alll the way up) the entire time and also be sure to capture those natural in-between authentic moments that make you feel something when you see them.

Inquire now —>

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a peek into my life…